APRS English version
- Details
- Veröffentlicht: 20. Dezember 2012
- Geschrieben von Ralf, DH3WR
- Zugriffe: 49361
Since 2007 there is an APRS Digipeater running at DB0SDA. This is a automatic working radio station which receives position reports and messages from other amateur radio operators and re-sends them amplified. Due to this flood-fill behavior reports get spreaded all over the world. Besides there is a two-way internet connection to a central server. Using maping services like www.db0anf.de or aprs.fi the position of amateur radio stations can be displayed user-friendly on a map. The status page of our APRS-Server can be accessed at http://www.afu.rwth-aachen.de:14501.
To send and receive APRS messages via a TCP connection the server is listening on port 14580 at www.afu.rwth-aachen.de and via HAMNET on db0sda.ampr.org . Authetification with the amateur radio callsign und a validation number is mandatory. The classical APRS-Filters can be set, too. A common windows application is UI-View32. We provide some maps for the surroundings of the city of Aachen. After downloading, you have to copy the extracted files into the MAPS directory of UIView.
On the right you see the coverage of the APRS-Repeater calculated with the tool Radio Mobile. Clicking on the image will open a full screen view of the map.